Ashok Singh: oxygen man

Ashok Singh: oxygen man of Patna who save his wife from respiratory disease by planted 500 saplings

Ashok Singh is from Patna, Bihar, his wife was suffering from respiratory disease in the year 2011 then he decided to start planting trees villages and the number of trees started increasing, his wife’s respiratory disease started disappearing.

The distance of Akauna village from Punpun station, about 20 kilometers from the capital Patna, is about three to four kilometers. a resident of this place, has been planting trees for the last 13 years to keep his wife healthy. All these plants have now transformed into trees. The number of trees planted by Bengali Baba in this area has reached 500.For the last 12 years, he has been purifying the environment by planting trees on the roadside day and night.

70 year old Ashok Singh alias Bengali Baba says that ever since he started planting trees. Since then, his wife Manorama Devi’s breathing problem has been completely cured. Besides, the number of trees and plants in the village has also increased significantly. Bengali Baba, who dedicated himself to planting trees two decades ago, is still engaged in the noble cause.

Even according to the farmer, the seasons keep changing, but Ashok Singh’s work of planting trees is not over. Even today he takes care of the trees in the morning and evening. People should get maximum oxygen. For this they plant Pakad, Peepal, Banyan, Bel, Kadam and Jamun trees.

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