Afganistan embassy permentaly shut down operation in india

Afganistan embassy permentaly shut down operation in india

After the departure of Ashraf Ghani’s government in Afghanistan, Taliban rule came in the country, but despite this, the embassy of the old government was functioning in India. Now Afghanistan has closed its embassy in India. The Taliban has said in an official statement that the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has decided to close its operations in India .

The embassy said it was ‘cognisant’ that some may attempt to characterise this move as an internal conflict, allegedly involving diplomats who switched allegiance to the Taliban, adding “that this decision is a result of broader changes in policy and interests”.

The Taliban issued an official statement saying, “With extreme sadness, regret and disappointment, Afghanistan announces the decision to close the operations of its embassy in New Delhi.” At the same time, Afghanistan has given three big reasons behind closing the embassy in India.

lack of support from india

Our embassy has experienced a lack of diplomatic support in India, which has hindered its ability to serve the best interests of Afghanistan and perform its duty,” Afghanistan said in an official statement. The statement further said that this decision has been taken after careful deliberations keeping in mind the historical relations and long-term partnership between Afghanistan and India.

Staff shortage in India

Afghanistan has cited lack of staff as the second reason behind closing the embassy in India. The statement said it has been challenging to continue operations due to reductions in staff and resources, including the lack of timely and adequate support from visa renewals for diplomats.

Possible infighting among diplomats

The statement said that Afghanistan’s ambassador to India and other senior diplomats left India and went to Europe and America and have taken refuge there. It also talks about internal strife among Afghan diplomats.

Not only India but also the country…

In fact, most countries do not officially recognize the Taliban government of Afghanistan, but they have accepted it as the ruling Taliban regime. At the same time, diplomats appointed by the previous government have refused to hand over control of embassy buildings and property to representatives elected by the Taliban administration. Whereas, India has said that it will follow the orders of the United Nations in taking the decision to recognize the Taliban government.

How much presence of India in Kabul?

India had evacuated its entire mission from the capital Kabul after the Taliban took over Afghanistan in August 2021, but sent a small team back to reopen its embassy in June last year. Apart from this, the Indian government has promised to send other relief materials including wheat, medicine, Covid-19 vaccines and winter clothes to Afghanistan in 2022.
Had sent.

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